Recipe 1

Raw Shea Butter: ½ cup
Olive Oil: ¼ cup (a great alternative for skin hydration)
Beeswax: 2 tablespoons (to help solidify the lotion and add a protective layer to the skin)
Honey: 1 tablespoon (for its soothing and antibacterial properties)
Lavender Essential Oil: 15 drops (for a calming scent and skin benefits)
Rose Water: 2 tablespoons (optional, for fragrance and skin-toning properties)
Double Boiler
Mixing Bowl
Hand Mixer or Stand Mixer
Glass Jar or Container for storage
Melting the Base: In your double boiler, melt together the shea butter, olive oil, and beeswax. Stir continuously until they are completely melted and well combined.

Cooling and Adding Honey: Remove from heat and let the mixture cool for a few minutes, but not completely solidify. Stir in the honey while it’s still warm enough to mix well.

Adding Essential Oil and Rose Water: Once the mixture is lukewarm, add the lavender essential oil and rose water. Stir well to ensure everything is evenly distributed.

Whipping the Mixture: Let the mixture cool down to the point where it starts to thicken but is not fully solid. Using a hand mixer or stand mixer, whip the mixture until it becomes creamy and fluffy. This might take about 10 minutes.

Storing: Transfer the whipped lotion into your storage container. Use a spatula to ensure you get all the lotion out of the bowl.

Usage: Apply this nourishing lotion to your skin as needed, especially focusing on dry areas.

Texture: The addition of beeswax will give this lotion a slightly thicker and more protective texture, which is excellent for very dry skin.


Recipe 2

Raw Shea Butter: ½ cup
Coconut Oil: ¼ cup (Alternatively, you can use almond oil or jojoba oil)
Vitamin E Oil: 1 tablespoon (optional, but great for skin)
Essential Oil of Your Choice: 10-15 drops (like lavender, rose, or jasmine for fragrance)
Aloe Vera Gel: 2 tablespoons (optional, for additional moisturizing properties)
Double Boiler (or you can use a heat-safe bowl over a pot of simmering water)
Mixing Bowl
Hand Mixer or Stand Mixer
Container for storing the lotion (preferably glass)
Melting the Base: Start by melting the shea butter and coconut oil together. Use the double boiler or your makeshift version for this. Heat them until they are completely melted and combined.

Cooling: Once melted, remove the mixture from the heat and let it cool for a few minutes. If you’re in a hurry, you can place it in the refrigerator for about 10-15 minutes. You want it to start solidifying but not be completely hard.

Adding the Extras: After the mixture has cooled slightly, add the vitamin E oil and essential oils. If you chose to include aloe vera gel, add it at this stage as well.

Whipping the Mixture: Using your hand mixer or stand mixer, whip the mixture. Start at a lower speed and gradually increase. Whip until the mixture becomes light, fluffy, and creamy. This might take about 5-10 minutes.

Storing: Transfer your whipped shea butter lotion into your storage container using the spatula. Ensure the container is clean and dry to avoid any contamination.

Usage: Apply your homemade shea butter lotion to your body as needed. It’s especially nourishing after a shower or bath.

Consistency: The consistency of the lotion may change depending on the room temperature. Shea butter tends to solidify in cooler temperatures and soften in warmer ones.