Understanding our customer's needs

We’re here to support you in your quest for the highest quality beauty products. That starts by providing you with the resources you need to feel informed and confident in your purchasing desicions.

Family Owned and Operated

Knowing the people who bring you Shea Butter

Knowing the people who bring you Shea Butter


Shea nuts are collected and processed in the same way they have been for millennia. Shea fruits that are ripe fall from the tree and are gathered before sunrise. Harvesting is traditionally done by local women, with children typically assisting before school. During the annual season, when food supplies are at their lowest and dietary energy is most needed, the fruit pulp is a nutritious and significant source of calories, vitamins, and minerals.
Women across Africa, typically working in collectives, have embraced shea butter production to achieve economic self-sufficiency as the popularity of shea butter has expanded around the world in recent decades. Most of the time, only women oversee the manufacturing of Shea Butter. When the shea nuts are gathered in the rainy season, from May to August, this procedure takes many days of meticulous selection, gathering, drying, pounding, and kneading. These are the people who bring to you Shea Butter.

Farmers around the world

Farmers around the world

Do you ever wonder why people are so obsessed with being “beautiful?” I don’t know about you, but that’s something that has always intrigued me. Why do we feel the need to be beautiful? There is no one definition of beauty and yet we all seem to have some idea of what it means and how we can obtain it. It seems like a very elusive concept because there is no set way or standard for what makes someone beautiful. And yet, everyone feels as though they should be able to identify at least somewhat with the general description of beauty. And maybe this is okay…maybe not knowing exactly where our ideas of beauty come from isn’t such a bad thing after all! Because if nothing else, it gives us an internal dimension to our sense of beauty.
Farmers are the backbone of the beauty industry. From the lavender used in your perfumes to the cocoa butter, we love so much for our lotions. The farming industry is a strange one. It’s not glamorous, yet it feeds the world and provides us with some of our favorite foods, beverages, and beauty products. So what do you call someone who farms for beauty? A farmer-beautician! Farmers are using their knowledge of plants to help grow new ingredients in skincare and hair care products that will change your life. They are the ones helping us strive to find that measure of inner beauty. Thank you, dear farmers, where you are out there on this wonderful planet.

Information to help you decide

Information to help you decide

We understand the body lotion market is complicated. Making the right choice requires a lot of information, not only about the products but also your own needs and preferences. This website an insight into what you need to know before buying.
You should first determine why you need it. Many people buy cream only because they want their skin to look younger. The truth is a lot more should go into that decision. Do you have wrinkles? Are spots an issue? Have stretch marks been a problem lately? There are so many factors that can make a good choice a complicated one. Shea butter is a natural moisturizer that’s great for preventing stretch marks on the skin. It can also be used to treat damaged hair and it promotes faster healing of minor cuts. Shea Butter is a great moisturizer. It can be used to soften the skin and to help prevent wrinkles. Cocoa butter is good for many things. It can be used to moisturize skin, soothe inflammation and reduce the visibility of scars. Also, it is used to make cosmetics, moisturizers, and even lube. This is just a small example of the information available. Our goal is to inform you. Please join us on this adventure.

Our Commitment to Quality

Our Commitment to Quality

Have you ever noticed that the best things in life are rarely cheap? There’s a reason for this. It takes time, dedication, and skill to make something really great. That is why our commitment to quality means so much to us. When we say “quality”, what do we mean exactly? We want your experience with us to be as pleasant as possible, from browsing our website all the way through receiving your order. Once you have made a purchase with us, you will never look at another online retailer again! Our team of experts carefully curates each item on our site based on feedback from their peers and years of experience in the industry.

Sustainably sourced

Sustainably sourced

What is sustainability? It’s a word that comes up frequently in conversations about environmentalism, but what does it actually mean? Sustainability has many definitions, but here are some common themes.
The definition of sustainability varies depending on who you ask, but there are generally two parts to the concept. First is the idea of maintaining our current lifestyles without damaging the environment or depleting resources at an unsustainable rate — basically not making things worse for future generations. Second is meeting present needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs — ensuring that we take care of ourselves and each other today while leaving room for tomorrow’s children to take care of themselves as well.
Sustainable practices can be applied to all aspects of life. Our products use minimal packaging, thus it reduces the waste our customers generate. The liners that our products arrive in from the manufacture are upcycled as garbage can liners. Those are the small things. We travel to meet our suppliers and the farms on which a lot of our products begin their life. The idea is to ensure that we as a company are working with people who will represent our values. Yellow Brick Road takes its commitment to the environment seriously as we know you do as well.



What does customer focus mean to you? For us, I think it’s about making sure that the customer is at the heart of every decision. Whether it be business decisions or product development, everything should revolve around what will best serve our customers. The key to this approach is understanding who your customers are and what they want from your products. By focusing on serving them well, then everyone wins!