The people who know beauty pick Yellow Brick Road Products

Beauty Industry Favorites

Trust the years of experience we have in the beauty industry.
Shop with confidence for the highest quality products.
Thousands of satisfied customers

African Black Soap
The softness of skin

Raw Unrefined Shea Butter

Do you want to give your skincare routine an upgrade? If so, then look no further than our store! We have the best natural beauty products for women and men alike. Browse through our selection of organic lotions, bath bombs, shampoo bars, and more. You’ll find something that suits you perfectly at a price point that works for your budget too.

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All Natural Base Products

The beauty industry is an overwhelming one. There are so many products to choose from and the prices can be anything from a couple of dollars on up. What’s worse, some popular brands make you feel like their products are better than others, but they aren’t always as good for your skin as you think! If you want to simplify things a bit, try natural beauty products instead. Our customers love to make DIY handmade lotions to moisturize their skin and keep it looking healthy!

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Body Butter Knowledge

Quality products

We Promise to come through for you.

We love our customers and they love us.

As a family business, owned and operated by experts in the beauty industry, we take passion in it and apply our knowledge to source the highest quality products for you, our loyal customers.

We love our customers and they love us.

Find the information you need to make better purchases

We’ve organized our products, and articles to help you understand what is best for your needs.


Cocoa Butter

Cocoa butter is derived from the cocoa bean. It has an extensive list of benefits for any skin type, and should be the basis for any beauty enthusiast’s skincare routine. One of cocoa butter’s biggest advantages is that it’s rich in essential fatty acids, which are nutrients that strengthen the epidermis.



Our products are 100% pure and completely natural. They are organically grown and free from additives of any kind. We take the extra step of testing each batch to guarantee its purity and share the test results on our website so you can see all of the details.

Never Melted

The majority of companies that mold their butter into beautiful squares must heat it considerably after receiving it from the manufacturers. To avoid crystallization, they must first completely melt the butter by raising it to a temperature of at least 180 degrees Fahrenheit. No further melting occurs after we receive our butter from Africa, ensuring that you receive butter with uncompromised integrity. The critical question is how the butter was processed, as even unrefined Shea butter from certain suppliers does not guarantee top quality if it has been melted down several times.


We keep the earth in mind during each step of our process, making sustainable choices from plant to package.